Other projects

Other projects

Jan. 1, 2004 - current

# Websites #### **Founder and Manager of a laboratory which aims to develop and maintain a set of tools for students** Team of 38 people : - 12 developers (PHP, MySQL, Ruby On Rails) - 24 members (writers, reporters, maintainers) Main projects : - Internal School Newspaper - Webservice to get informations about users (students, teachers, etc.) [Visit site](http://ionis-users-informations.paysdu42.fr/) # School Projects #### First year - Complete Shell in C - Assembler (simple version with few instructions) in C #### Second year - FTP/IRC/POP/SMTP Servers and Clients in C - Snake game in C++ - Bomberman game 3D in C++ #### Third year - R-Type game in C++ - VOIP Server/Client in C++ - C Object Wrapper Compiler in CodeWorker - HTTP server in C++ #### End of 3rd year project Collaborating text editor in Ocsigen (Web server and powerful framework in OCaml) with the INRIA (National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control) # Non-profit organizations #### **President of a student association “Lateb” (2010-2011)** Organized several events (week-ends, parties, ~50 ppl) around beer culture #### **Founder and Secretary of a student association “Don’t Panic!” (2010-2011)** Provide useful products for sale to students for intensive study periods, and organize activities and events around the novel H2G2 and Anglo-Saxon culture in general. #### **The Virtual School of Subtitling (2008–2010)** Founder, director and teacher of a virtual school of subtitling, with students, teachers, lessons, school report and diploma recognized by most of the subtitling groups nationwide. #### **Founder and President of a volunteer subtitling group “Zero Fansub” (2006–2010)** Founder and manager of a volunteer subtitling group of 20 people. [Visit site](http://zerofansub.net/) # Website designs This gallery showcases examples of website designs made by db0 who changed her style throughout the years following the constantly changing trends and using the latest frond-end technologies available. #### Recent Refer to [the list of projects](/projects/) for individual screenshots #### Before 2009 *click to enlarge* [![](http://i.db0.company/u/p/s/10Other-projectsE9e8.png)](http://i.db0.company/u/p/s/10Other-projectsE9e8.png)

Started making websites
at 14 years old